Až budete potřebovat provést návštěvu z ciziny po Českém Krumlově, tak se Vám možná šikne nějaká inspirace. V tomto článku najdete fakta o Českém Krumlově, slovní zásobu s českým překladem a ukázku rozhovoru.
Český Krumlov is a small historical town in the South of the Czech Republic. It is located on the banks of the river Vltava. The town was built around a 13th-century castle with Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque elements. According to a local legend, the name comes from the German „Krumme Aue“ which can be translated as „crooked meadow„.
- Construction of the town and castle began around 1240 by the Vítkovci at a ford in the Vltava River, an important trade route in Bohemia.
- In 1302 the town and castle were in possession of the House of Rosenberg. Most people living in Český Krumlov at that time were German. Czechs were just a small minority.
- In late 15th century German miners settled in Krumlov as gold was found near the town.
- Emperor Rudolf II bought Krumlov in 1602. He was very fond of science and alchemy.
- From 1719 until 1945 the castle belonged to the House of Schwarzenberg.
What to see
Most of the architecture of the old town and castle dates from the 14th through 17th centuries; the town’s structures are mostly in Gothic, Renaissance, and Baroque styles. The core of the old town is within a horseshoe bend of the river, with the old Latrán neighborhood and castle on the other side of the Vltava.
The second largest castle complex in the Czech Republic overlooks the meandering Vltava River; it consists of forty palaces and buildings, five castle courts and a seven-hectare garden area. It offers a lot of attractive sights:
- Bears in the castle moat
- An impressive castle tower with a lot of mystic elements
- A unique Baroque theatre – one of the most complete and preserved Baroque theatres left in Europe
- Castle garden with a revolving theatre
The city center
You can take a walk through the twisted cobbled lanes and admire Renaissance, late Gothic and Baroque buildings with their beautifully decorated facades. You can see a lot frescos and other decorative motifs and elements.
- The square
- The former Jesuit College – now the hotel Růže
- St Vitus church
- The Jewish synagogue
- A promenade along the river along Rybářská street
- A walk along the pedestrian zone along Latran street
- The newly recontructed monastery
- The municipal brewery
- Up the Plešivecké stairs to picturesque lanes of Old Plešivec area
What to do
There are many thigs to do and see and if you are tired of walking you can just have a coffee in one of the many cafés or pubs.
- Museums and galleries – Egon Schiele Art Center, The Museum of Torture, Seidel Museum of Photography, Wax Museum, The Municipal Museum, The Museum of Moldvites, 3D Museum, Mining Museum, Monastery
- Culture – Festival of the Five-Petalled Rose, International Music Festival, Festival of Baroque Arts, Wine Festival, Saint Wenceslaw Festival, Chamber Music Festival, Magical Krumlov, European Heritage Days
- Sports Events – Rallye Cesky Krumlov, International River Marathon
- Hiking – in the vicinity of Cesky Krumlov there are many places you can hike to. Just put on your hiking boots and go!
- The ruin of castle of Dívčí Kámen
- the summit of the highest hill around – Kleť (if you want to save your energy for something else you can use the cable chair from the village of Krásetín
- Granátník lookout tower
- Sports activities –horse-riding, in-line skating, tennis, golf, cycling, rafting, canoeing, cross-country skiing, squash, bowling
- Family activities – a city or castle tour, a swimming pool, scooter ride down Kleť hill, Fairytale House excursion, rafting down the Vlatva, escape rooms, a mirror maze
- Trips – Lipno lake, Šumava mountains, Zlatá Koruna monastery, Holašovice Baroque village, Pořešín ruin
located on – umístěné na
a bank – břeh
a castle – hrad
according to – podle
a crooked meadow – křivá louka
a ford – brod
a trade route – obchodní stezka
in possession of – ve vlastnictví
a minority – menšina
a century – století
a miner – horník
settled in – usadili se v
an emperor – císař
science – věda
alchemy – alchymie
the House of Schwarzenberg – rod Schwarzenbergů
date from – datovat se z
the core of – jádro
a horseshoe – podkova
a neighborhood – sousedství, čtvrť
the second largest castle complex – druhý největší hradní komplex
meandering – točitá, meandrující
a moat – hradní příkop
a castle tower – hradní věž
a revolving theatre – otáčivé hlediště
twisted cobbled lane – křivolaké dlážděné uličky
facade – fasáda
former Jesuit College – bývalá jezuitská kolej
a municipal brewery – městský pivovar
picturesque – malebný
pedestrian zone – pěší zóna
torture – mučení
wax – vosk
municipal – městský
moldavite – vltavín
a monastery – klášter
a five-petalled rose – pětilistá růže
chamber – komorní
heritage – kulturní dědictví
hiking – pěší turistika
cross-country skiing – běžkování
a scooter – koloběžka
an escape room – úniková místnost
a ruin – zřícenina
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